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Cancer Overview

1. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rate.
2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). Improving Cancer Diagnosis and Care: Clinical Application of Computational Methods in Precision Oncology. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
3. American Cancer Society. Chemotherapy Side Effects.
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Side Effects of Cancer Treatment.
5. American Cancer Society. Radiation Therapy Side Effects.
6. Khorana, A. A., et al. (2019). Time to initial cancer treatment in the United States and association with survival over time: An observational study. PLOS ONE, 14(3), e0213209.
7. Hanna, T. P., et al. (2020). Mortality due to cancer treatment delay: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 371, m4087.

Market Size

1. Precedence Research. Cancer Diagnostics Market Size To Hit USD 305.39 Bn By 2032. October 2023.

2. Precedence Research. Cancer Therapeutics Market Size to Hit US$ 393.61 Bn by 2032. November 2023.

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